Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lunch and Munch - Fried Rice

The other day we had theme lunch: Mulan and Fried Rice.  It was quite by accident, I wish I could take credit for this lunch-movie combo.  
For lunch, I took the “easy fixin’ route” and used Uncle Ben’s 90 Second Ready Rice (Brown Rice) and frozen mixed vegetables.  Right now, some of you are thinking, “who qualified this lady to write a mom blog when she doesn’t even cook meals from scratch?!”  That’s fair, I have not yet shared any of the delicious, made-from-scratch, fresh and healthy meals we have here on a regular basis.  
I’m just a busy mom with a two-year old and a two-month old, no further explanation is needed if you have kids of your own.  Sometimes it's more important to get food on the table than to cook a culinary masterpiece.  Overall, my goal is to share easy, survival-mode meals that moms can put on the table quickly, fill their kid’s belly with, and feel good about serving because although it’s the easy version, it’s still full of good nutrition for our kiddos.  
Today’s Lunch and Munch is “fried rice.” Uncle Ben’s 90 Second Ready Rice cooks in the microwave. The hardest part is waiting for it to cool because it’s REALLY hot and could burn your little one’s mouth.  It also only took 90 seconds in the microwave to warm the frozen mixed vegetables I mixed into the rice.  Once those are warm and ready, stir in a little butter and a touch of soy sauce and it’s ready for the table.  This makes about 2 servings for under $2.50.
For mom’s more sophisticated pallet, here are some fried rice recipes that will make your mouth water: 

and check out this book:
Deceptively Delicious, a cook book that has “simple secrets to get your kids eating good food”  Do It Delicious

Happy Munching!  
Mommy Du Jour

SWAP NEWS:  I'm able to use the facility that I wanted for the swap! (I'll announce the location later).  I'm working on a date for the event and on the rental rate to cut down the costs of the event.   I still don't have any donations and I'm working on ways to reach out to the community to see if moms are willing to help by donating the maternity clothing they no longer need.  If you are a mom or know a mom who no longer needs maternity clothes, I'd be over the moon if you'd like to help this cause by donating some of it to help other moms cut down on maternity costs.  Think about how much it would have helped you.  Let's pay it forward and help other moms fit their bellies into comfortable clothing during their pregnancy.   Thanks!

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