Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lunch and Munch - English Muffin Pizzas

English Muffins aren’t just for breakfast, anymore.  Today’s “what’s in the pantry” lunch is pizza assembled on top of an english muffin.  
I went searching through the pantry for supplies.  I didn’t have everything I needed for enchilada casserole (my original meal plan), I had no ground beef for the assortment of dishes I could make with that, I did have sausage but no grand ideas of what to make with that... and I couldn’t bare another evening of hot dogs on the grill.  To my child-like delight, I had exactly what I needed for english muffin pizzas!  Pepperoni and mozzarella cheese were in the freezer from a bulk pizza-making adventure we had a while ago, there were two english muffins left in the package, and I found a bottle of red pasta sauce in the pantry.

Moms with tots and bigger kiddos, let the kids help assemble the muffin pizzas.  This is a fun cooking activity for little ones, and it may help picky eaters participate in meal time. 
Step 1
preheat oven to 300 degrees
Step 2
cut the english muffin in half and place on a cookie sheet or baking sheet

Step 3
put sauce on the muffins
(I used more on mine, and less on my son’s because he’s not sure if he likes tomatoes or not...)

Step 4
put cheese on muffins

Step 5
put additional toppings on muffins
(pepperoni for mine, but you can use any thing that a normal pizza would have, be creative)

Step 6
bake for 10-15 minutes, until cheese is melted


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